===== From agage@csee.usf.edu: Also completely off-topic. ===== From chris@bluelectrode.com: Wow, extra points for rendering the image without a renderer! All those calculations must have used a lot of paper. Alight, let's tabulate this: originality + theme_connection * e^(excellent_txtfile) ===== From marlo.steed@uleth.ca: No concept.... ===== From mibmlr@hotmail.com: ???? ===== From jouni@mikrobitti.fi: Someone called Caazi or someone with a product called Caazi might like it. My automatic off-topic detonator simply blasted it to the 1/1/1 category. ===== From chris_darcy@yahoo.com: Can you raytrace in photoshop? Why so Small? Topic? ===== From StephenF@whoever.com: Fairly artistic for what it is. Makes for a good-looking logo. ===== From deathmacabre@fcmail.com: boo ===== From sjlen@ndirect.co.uk: Bet you could do some real nice work with a raytracing package. I personally think that raytracing is much easier to manipulate than a paint package.