===== From ekaiser@camden.tds.net: good concept, guy looks like marble statue ===== From chris@bluelectrode.com: The effect of being ruined? Interesting...but a close-up of a face is just too easy. I would have expected more from a package like Max. ===== From marlo.steed@uleth.ca: conceptually.... I din't get it at first but nice idea.... I think you needed to make the facial expression more ruinness. ===== From Alain.Culos@bigfoot.com: Missing hair ! That makes it very strange looking. Interesting concept though. ===== From jouni@mikrobitti.fi: These alternative interpretations of the ruins topic are pretty dangerous. It's hard to reflect the real ruin on a man's face. But giving too much criticism would be unfair, since the image is, as you said, unfinished and a work in progress. Suffice to say that there's a lot to do before a face looks real - and most importantly, not raytraced. ===== From StephenF@whoever.com: The eyeballs and the teardrop are very good, and I gave the picture a fairly high ranking in the technical category. ===== From clem@dhol.org: Great idea. I wish you had been able to finish it. While I like the basic skin texture, a close up face has to have detailed modelling. I note a few irritating elements. Specifically, the black tear, the linear gray shadows and the little cutout looking area in the lower left. The lighting may also be a bit too saturated. Despite the criticisms, I like this image and I hope you take the time to perfect it. ===== From mar@physics.usyd.edu.au: This is one of the best ideas for this round, but it seems time was your enemy in getting the image completed. What I really would have liked to see is a reflection of the building burning in the man's eyes, with some details visible. ===== From sjlen@ndirect.co.uk: This needs a lot of work, at first I thought it was meant to be a man behind bars.