===== From bobfranke@halcyon.com: You have a good grasp of many of the concepts of POV. Just keep working toward more detailed objects. ===== From whhale@nvl.army.mil: Glad to see that interest in Ray Tracing has no age boundry. The problem with close up images is that the amount of detail needed is extreme. Your water, for instance would have really looked better with some translucency and a bit of foam. Also some small broken shells and pebbles in the sand would have been good. Keep it up...hope to see you next round. ===== From marlo.steed@uleth.ca: It was a good concept. You got the washed away look but the water is not transparent and the sand needed a more realistic texture. ===== From Alain.Culos@bigfoot.com: Too simplistic. ===== From jouni@mikrobitti.fi: Ok Tim, not so bad for a beginner. It's good to see that you've got your hands on a set of good tools and some nice objects (bezier skills come handy in the future). A few points you might try taking heed of: - The sand near the waterline is considerably thicker and damper than the sand farther inland. The wet sand also looks definitely different. - The reflection is an overkill. The waves hitting the sand cause some sort of whitish foam and most significantly visible waves, as the returning water hits the next wave etc. Such a calm mirror surface probably never exists in real life. - The water is also somewhat translucent, so that you can see the sea bottom through. The degree of translucency is primarily determined by the distance to the next water-polluting factory. ;-) Note that the sea bottom can be well used to introduce new details into the image (seashells, rocks, weeds etc.). - When joining objects with another, pay attention to the joints. The sandcastle looks a bit copy-pasted because sand never forms such sharp joints as in the left side of the castle. - Try making your objects a bit smoother. The spade, for example, is quite sharp, no kid would be allowed to play with that. :-) Some toruses, cylinders and spheres come in handy when rounding off boxes. Get yourself introduced to the superquadric ellipsoid object in POVRay. Its applications are many and versatile. - And finally, pay attention to the JPEG compression factor. The bucket has experienced some JPEG artifacting due to heavy compression. You don't have to squeeze the image at the cost of losing details when you're nowhere near the 250k limit. Keep on rendering! ===== From StephenF@whoever.com: The texturing on the sand looks good, although I think I would prefer a different color on it. The pail and spade half-buried in the sand add a nice touch, but could use some more complexity. Overall, this scene has an interesting look due to the bold color use. ===== From jaime@ctav.es: Original. The water is too blu, perhaps, and the sand too yellow, but the composition is good, and also the view. ===== From clem@dhol.org: Ok, but the castle is worn too evenly and the scene is a bit too simple. I like the sharp contrast of the yellow beach and the very blue water. ===== From sjlen@ndirect.co.uk: This looks good but the textures need some attention. Hope to see more of your work in future rounds.