TITLE: Atardecer en la ciudad NAME: Omar A. Lopez COUNTRY: ARGENTINA EMAIL: ommar4@hotmail.com WEBPAGE: none TOPIC: The City COPYRIGHT: I SUBMIT TO THE STANDARD RAYTRACING COMPETITION COPYRIGHT. JPGFILE: atardece.jpg RENDERER USED: Bryce 3d TOOLS USED: 3d Studio 4.0/max 2.0, Bryce 3d RENDER TIME: 3 hours HARDWARE USED: Pentium II 400 Mhz - 130 Mb ram IMAGE DESCRIPTION: Simplemente una imagen de alguna esquina, en alguna ciudad, en un dorado atardecer. DESCRIPTION OF HOW THIS IMAGE WAS CREATED: Basicamente, los objetos de la escena fueron modelados en 3d studio 4.0 y max, el motivo es que algunos objetos fueron hechos por mi hace tiempo (con 3d studio 4.0), mientras que el auto antiguo fu_ modelado en 3d studio MAX para esta ocasi_n. La idea de una ciudad tridimensional siempre estuvo en mis planes, pero lamentablemente, debido a la poca capacidad de los programas 3d, esa ciudad qued_ reducida a una imagen de una esquina. Luego , los objetos fueron importados a Bryce 3d, en d_nde les apliqu_ las texturas adecuadas (algunas hechas por mi). Una vez armada la escena (con una iluminaci_n en general tenue) agregu_ una luz amarilla dentro del hotel, y otra blanca (un poco mas fuerte que la anterior) dentro de la peluquer_a, mientras que debajo de cada farol puse luces tipo proyectores. FIN. ********************************************************************* (english translate) IMAGE DESCRIPTION: Simply an image of some corner, in some city, in a gilding to grow dark. DESCRIPTION OF HOW THIS IMAGE WAS CREATED: Basically, the objects of the scene were modeled in 3d studio 4.0 and max, the reason is that some objects were made a while ago by my (with 3d studio 4.0), while the car old are modeled in 3d studio MAX for this occasion. The idea of a three-dimensional city was always in my plans, but regrettably, due to the little capacity of the programs 3d, that city was reduced to an image of a corner. Then, the objects were cared Bryce 3d, where I applied them the appropriate textures (some made by my). Once build the scene (with an illumination in general delicate) I added a yellow light inside the hotel, and another white one (a little but strong that the previous one) inside the hairdresser, while under each streetlight I put lights type projectors. END. OMAR.