===== From loomsbury@yahoo.com: Very simple. It looks nice, but needs detail. ===== From tony@j4tb.com: Hey Where's Bill?! ;) Your atmostpheric effects are great the buildings are also good. The rain seems to be behind the building with no rain in the front. I would add the texture to maybe a thin cube or flat square and place it in front of the buildings. ===== From Stickgod01@aol.com: Nicely modeled buildings. It's good to hear that people are having fun making pictures. ===== From marlo.steed@uleth.ca: Nice atmosphere... but textures and buildings were a bit too simplistic. ===== From StephenF@whoever.com: I like the Space Needle and also the building on the left, although it is somewhat simplified. The rain texture isn't bad but I think it could use some work. ===== From tonyv@iafrica.com: Feels a little sparse. ===== From file: Notable for lighting, modelling