TITLE: VAGUE MEMEORIES OF NEW YORK CITY NAME: Larry Boston COUNTRY: United States EMAIL: elboston@mint.net WEBPAGE: None TOPIC: The City COPYRIGHT: I SUBMIT TO THE STANDARD RAYTRACING COMPETITION COPYRIGHT. JPGFILE: vmonyc.jpg ZIPFILE: vmonyc.zip RENDERER USED: Povray for Windows. 3.1 TOOLS USED: MS Paint RENDER TIME: 6 hr 28 min 57 sec HARDWARE USED: Pentium 166 48MEG RAM The picture is based on memories of visits to New York City between 35 and 40 years ago so the memories are faded, but some incidents stuck in my mind. I was eating in some restaurant when I saw flames shooting out from the hood where they were cooking steaks. As we were leaving the cashier tried to collect, but the manager was tryig to get us out. I guess there are free lunches once in a while. The scene popped into my mind soon after the topic was announced, but it took me more than 90 hours to produce the image that I submitted. I had difficulty blending surfaces to get rid of seams. I used constructive solid geometry for most of the objects. Since this is my last entry for a while, I will have more time to try out some of the macros that are available for downloading. The people look better at a distance. I guess that's why some paintings are best viewed from a distance. I am going to learn to use my other progams so that I can create better people.