===== From tony@j4tb.com: Excellent Textures. ===== From karl@pemail.net: Would have been nice to have a few colours in here, or sharper contrast between black and white if you wanted it in monochrome. Would just help to bring out the details a bit. ===== From javaearl@hotmail.com: Not too colorful, but quite the intriguing cavern. ===== From warp@iki.fi: The texture on the rocks look a bit artificial. Too many straight lines. ===== From dmacisaacj@hotmail.com: cool lighting, I'd like to find this place ===== From mark.wagner17@gte.net: This area is far too well lit to be a real cave. Either that, or you brought an unbelievably huge flash for your camera. ===== From chris_hormann@gmx.de: Good sculpturing work on the terrain, some color would be nice :-), also somewhat empty ===== From StephenF@whoever.com: The shaping of the rocks has a nice natural feel to it. I would have preferred to see this scene done with pale colors as opposed to greyscale, though (although it does give the background a certain stark look). Also, the rocks in the foreground have a certain blotchiness that stands out. ===== From albiaprime@aol.com: Artistic - A Nice Black and White image Technical - nice use of heightfields, very believable UG landscape Concept - a wilderness of sorts