TITLE: Nuggets NAME: Fabien MOSEN COUNTRY: BELGIUM (french speaking) EMAIL: fabien.mosen@skynet.be WEBPAGE: http://users.skynet.be/bs936509/povfr/index.htm TOPIC: WILDERNESS COPYRIGHT: I SUBMIT TO THE STANDARD RAYTRACING COMPETITION COPYRIGHT, JPGFILE: fm-wild.jpg ZIPFILE: fm-wild.zip RENDERER USED: MEGA-Pov 0.5a TOOLS USED: Moray's texture editor HamaPatch (sPatch evolving clone) RENDER TIME: 5 hours HARDWARE USED: AMD K6-233 IMAGE DESCRIPTION: This small portion of landscape isn't extraordinary wild-looking, but there's one element that proves than no man has ever visited the place. Otherwise, given these elements, it would have been exploited, and thus destroyed, since long. DESCRIPTION OF HOW THIS IMAGE WAS CREATED: Almost everything in this image uses one or another MEGA-Pov features. The gray stones are a ridged multifractal (isosurface, function added to a plane), and so is the water object (function subst. from plane). The water has variable reflection, and blinn highlights (not much visible). The stone's texture uses the "slope" pattern to place the green areas. Big plants are intersecting spheres, with a radial pigment and a random placement. Nuggets (inters. of planes) and blades (bicubic patches) are placed with a combination of randomness, eval_pigment control and trace() function.