===== From tony@j4tb.com: Extra points for doing your homework. ===== From mjklein00@msn.com: Cool Light! Some nice texturing too. ===== From stephenhasmail@yahoo.com: Very nice use of CSG. I like the way the tiles look (normal makes it look very good). I can't really tell what is in the jar in the top right. ===== From StephenF@whoever.com: A very nice scene. Like the microscope a lot. The ceramic tiles look good too. ===== From jaime@ctav.es: Very well documented scene: it shows you researched to create this scene (a must for raytracers). Perhaps the scenery is frugal, but I read the render time... (I've suffered the same problem with area_light and glass). The lighting is very good this time: simply amazing. The modelling, very accurate. Arrangement lacks something due to the very few objects used, but the effect was achieved. Nice! ===== From albiaprime@aol.com: Artistic: Nicely balanced image. Technical: Good notes, good technique, research notes of origins of items very much appreciated, thus good marks. Theme: It's a lab.