===== From tony@j4tb.com: Well we all know whats going to happen to THAT insect ;-) ===== From stephenhasmail@yahoo.com: Your image doesn't have a lot of realism to it. I think you overused iridescense on the liquid, and I don't understand why you gave the bug that plain black appearance. Lighting does not add a lot to your scene, and most of it would look about the same if you just gave your objects high ambient values. Interesting idea though. ===== From marlo.steed@home.com: Nice concept... A bit more detail with the insect would have been nice. ===== From StephenF@whoever.com: The tiled floor looks good, and so does the testtube. The spilled liquid has a nice shape to it, but its texture could use some work. The testtube should be lying flat on the floor, so the angle at which the liquid is pouring from it seems too steep. ===== From tom@tomandlu.co.uk: I like the tiles, but doesn't really work for me.