===== From tony@j4tb.com: Your walls look good. Nice mess to add realism ===== From elvish_archer@mailcity.com: why ? ===== From stephenhasmail@yahoo.com: I think you should have moved your camera in closer and forgotten about the close end of the table (since you can't really see anything anyway). Your wall textures look very nice, but the repetition is a little unrealistic. I like your lighting (candle light) a lot, but looks like you are burning old tires, not a candle. Oh, if you want to brighten up a scene, but want it to still look like one light source, try putting a dim shadowless light at the camera location. ===== From marlo.steed@home.com: Nice atmosphere... the smoke needed some work... looked a bit to artificial. ===== From StephenF@whoever.com: There's some nice work here, especially in the small objects. The smoke could use some work. The amount of light in the scene doesn't seem to match that which would be output by a single candle. The brick walls look pretty good, but some variations in the color from brick to brick would help the scene, I think. ===== From jaime@ctav.es: Buena iluminacion, aunque talvez necesita sombras mas suaves (por el tiempo de render parece que no usaste area_lights). Siendo estrictos, tu imagen de la Alquimia es mas la creada por la fantasia que la real, pero es lo que seguramente espera la mayoria. Buena suerte! ===== From albiaprime@aol.com: Artistic: Wow! Very nicely done Luis Technical: Again impressed, thanks for the good tech notes. (and we don't mind adjusting our brightness to see the finer points, keep up the good work) Theme: Yes it looks like a medieval lab