===== From tony@j4tb.com: Your image is a little too dark to see the details in the beaker. ===== From stephenhasmail@yahoo.com: Interesting take on the theme, but your picture is very dark (hard to see even on my bright monitor) and the glass/reflection from glass looks quite unrealistic. ===== From StephenF@whoever.com: The beakers and the terrain look good. The mist isn't bad, either. The graininess of the tubing seems out of place (though I suspect it was necessary to get it to show up against the dark background). ===== From jaime@ctav.es: Nice modelling on shapes, but glass seems too thin. ===== From lemieuxsimon@yahoo.com: Judging this picture was difficult because the picture was very dark... ===== From tom@tomandlu.co.uk: Very dark - Doesn't really work for me. ===== From file: Notable for originality, composition