TITLE: 3 Monks NAME: Louis Gagnon-Séguin COUNTRY: Québec,Canada EMAIL: popo_16@hotmail.com TOPIC: Worship COPYRIGHT: I SUBMIT TO THE STANDARD RAYTRACING COMPETITION COPYRIGHT. RENDERER USED: POV-Ray 3.1 TOOLS USED: pen and paper of course, spatch and Paint shop pro for jpg conversion RENDER TIME: 19m28s HARDWARE USED: Pentium II 350 MHz IMAGE DESCRIPTION: First, I wanted to create a big temple with a lot of monks (at least 7), a big monster (requiring a lot of modelisation and texture researches) and a big lightning which would creates a link between evil and earth. I arrived to do that except for the monster (lack of time and 3d experience) and the lightning (I tried to model it in spatch but it wasn't realistic, even with a little glow. And for the monks, I decided to put only 3 because it was surcharging the image and there wasn't enough contrast between them. So, finally, this image represents the temple of Nustridami and 3 monks who are venerating a blue crystal ball - symbol of their god Zircus. DESCRIPTION OF HOW THIS IMAGE WAS CREATED: First, I just wanted to say that this is my first participation for a 3d contest and one of my first 3d image (objectives critics will be appreciated). The ground is made in Pov using a simple colo_map. The temple is made in spatch and for the texture, I used a crackled normal. The monks are modelled in spatch and are using 3d-noise to imitate their clothes. The lanterns are modelled in spatch. There is look_like spheres in them to make a little blur around them. In total, there is 8 lights (4 behind the camera). The object in the middle is a sphere with a blue media in it, a difference of 2 cylinders and 4 torus. PS: Sorry for my bad english, I'm francophone.