EMAIL: NAME: Bruce Johnson TOPIC: Worship COPYRIGHT: I SUBMIT TO THE STANDARD RAYTRACING COMPETITION COPYRIGHT. TITLE: A small place to stand COUNTRY: US WEBPAGE: RENDERER USED: Strata 3D Pro TOOLS USED: Strata 3D Pro, Poser, Amapi, Photoshop RENDER TIME: 2.65 hrs HARDWARE USED: Mac 7600 G3/300, 192 mb RAM (modelling and test renders); Pentium III 450, 128 mb ram (final render) IMAGE DESCRIPTION: People don't only worship gods, but each other, too. A pedestal is a small place to stand on, and high place to fall from... DESCRIPTION OF HOW THIS IMAGE WAS CREATED: The figure was, er, posed in Poser, and exported as a DXF file. I opened it in Amapi, copied it several times and cut them up for the pieces. Finally the file was saved from Amapi and opened in Strata for final composition, texturing, scene construction and rendering. Not bad for a project that I ony thought of last Saturday...I think this is the fastest IRTC entry I've ever done.