TITLE: Golden Temple NAME: Tony Micklus COUNTRY: USA EMAIL: tony@awmcs.net WEBPAGE: http://www.awmcs.net/artgallery TOPIC: Worship COPYRIGHT: I SUBMIT TO THE STANDARD RAYTRACING COMPETITION COPYRIGHT. RENDERER USED: POV-Ray 3.1g TOOLS USED: Image Composer 1.5 (For JPG conversion and Text) RENDER TIME: 7 minutes 27 seconds HARDWARE USED: Pentium III 866MHz IMAGE DESCRIPTION: This image combines temples where people worship and gold which is what a lot of people worship. Hence a temple of gold. DESCRIPTION OF HOW THIS IMAGE WAS CREATED: Sky - Blue Fog Moon - Sphere with high diffuse Clouds - Box object w/ Bozo Pattern Mountains - Height Field sculpted by Spheres w/ Wrinkle pattern. Temple - Bricks are boxes shaved to an angle w/ CSG then mathematically placed. the door was then "subtracted" out of the building. Texture is out of the golds.inc file. Sun - Sphere with media. Lens Flare - Created using Chris Colefax's Lensflare include file. Stairs - A loop creating progressively larger boxes. The source file has everything you need to render the image except the lensflare include which you will have to download from Chris Colefax's site.