TITLE: The Porcelain Princess NAME: Michael Miller EMAIL: blackmariah@techie.com TOPIC: Worship COPYRIGHT: I SUBMIT TO THE STANDARD RAYTRACING COMPETITION COPYRIGHT. RENDERER USED: Mega-Pov 0.6 TOOLS USED: Moray 3.3, GIMP (for some textures) RENDER TIME: 1 hour 50 minutes HARDWARE USED: Celeron 566MHZ 96 MB RAM IMAGE DESCRIPTION: Everyone has differing opinions on a higher power. But, at the end of the day, eventually everyone bows before the same deity. DESCRIPTION OF HOW THIS IMAGE WAS CREATED: Okay, as you can tell, I'm not going for serious here. I'm not that good. Besides that, Gilles Tran might enter again, thereby screwing it up for ALL of us ;)."Worshipping the porcelain princess" for those of you that have never heard of it, is a slang term for puking. Nice subject, huh? For the first time I modelled everything myself (yay!). The bathtub, the toilet, the cabinet, ALL of it! I haven't done this before so I'm rather proud of the fact. Problem is, it's still not that good IMO :P. The different fixtures are CSG with rotational sweeps for the knobs and the metal thing at the base of the shower. The shower curtain is just a bezier patch that I stuck some waves into. I don't have too much to say about this one since I'm actually able to send a zip file (no meshes, so no 6 meg file size). Anything you need is in there. The Moray MDL file and all the texture pictures. Okay, credit time. The floor texture is from a model I grabbed off of 3DCafe.com a while back. It looked right for the scene, so I used it. The picture above the toilet is from the same model, sort of. It's been modified by me. There's now a reflective chrome flower on it. That's really all there is to say. I wanted to do more with this, but I got distracted and only realised the contest was almost over on the 26th! I had to work fast to get it done. I'd like more detail, but just don't have the time. Anyway, when you vote PLEASE keep in mind that this wasn't really a SERIOUS stab at winning ANYTHING and it's really just here for some laughs. Thanks goes out to the Pov Team and Nathan Kopp. Radiosity kicks @$$.