EMAIL: NAME: Mick Hazelgrove TOPIC: Worship COPYRIGHT: I SUBMIT TO THE STANDARD RAYTRACING COMPETITION COPYRIGHT. TITLE: The Sermon COUNTRY: UK WEBPAGE: RENDERER USED: MegaPov 0.7 TOOLS USED: Hammapatch, CorelPaint, 3dWin v4.5, ppmodeller, anim8or, Shelly RENDER TIME: approx 14 hours, HARDWARE USED: 800mhz Athalon 256mb Ram IMAGE DESCRIPTION: There is a deserted village on an N.Wales beach that can't be reached by road. I discovered it many years ago, in my rock climbing days, whilst looking for new crags to climb on. It is on a beach of huge egg shaped stones. On this beach are the remains of a wrecked boat. On one of my visits I found a rock delicately poised on a tangle of rusted beams. I made several drawings but never got round to painting it. Whilst looking through my sketchbooks for something to inspire an entry for the worship round of the IRTC I came across one of those drawings. It was a drawing of a giant eggcup made of girders. I was struck by it's resemblance to a giant idol and the bizarre idea that gulls might see this as an object to be worship occurred to me. On the top of the giant egg is a gull busily berating the others, urging them to worship the giant egg or maybe he's a heretic laughing at them and telling them it's just a rock! The pearl is just a play on the saying, "casting pearls before swine," a bit of fun really, that I just could not resist. DESCRIPTION OF HOW THIS IMAGE WAS CREATED: I've had to learn so much to make this picture The gulls were modelled in Hamapatch and UV mapped with the help of UV mapper. I used CorelPaint to paint the maps and then converted the models into pov with and Thomas Baier's excellent 3Dwin4.5. The rusty girder was made from extruded splines modelled in anim8or, a brilliant and free 3ds modeller. The model was imported into ppmodeller and the mesh distorted and subdivided. The eggs and rocks were made in a similar way. The whole lot was then converted with 3Dwin 4.5 The clouds are planes, only ten, to keep the render time reasonable and the shell was created in shelly. This is the first time I've really had a go at using radiosity in an outdoor scene. The settings are fairly standard. I had to play with diffuse and ambient to get the right balance of tone and radiosity. One light was used for the sea otherwise it turned a very strange colour! there are two discs either side of the egg one bright pale yellow (ambient 1) and one dark purple one for the shadows (ambient.1). One of the problems with radiosity in an outdoor scene is that the skysphere colour dominates the colour of the scene, so I added the two discs to create colour in the highlights and shadows. I have not included all the 20 mb of files for the pic but they are available on request and some will be going up on my website on it's next revision. Mick Hazelgrove