NAME:Petri Tuomas Ojamies TOPIC:Worship COPYRIGHT: I SUBMIT TO THE STANDARD RAYTRACING COMPETITION COPYRIGHT. TITLE:Throne of the God COUNTRY:Finland WEBPAGE: RENDERER USED:MegaPov0.6 TOOLS USED:VIM,GIMP RENDER TIME:22min HARDWARE USED:450P3 256MB IMAGE DESCRIPTION: The God has been thrown into dungeon. Perhaps this is cellars of some church where priests are trying to imprison their God or perhaps this presents escape from Death. It's up to you. But where is the God now? DESCRIPTION OF HOW THIS IMAGE WAS CREATED: I didn't have too much motivation to this round but I wanted to practise MegaPov radiosity so I entered anyway. Modelling is way too simple but I contentrated mostly on practicing radiosity. Floors and walls are height field objects. Allso door is six carrefully placed HFs. Rest of objects are boxes and spheres. Light comes from two sources. Outside the room just front of the door is strong area light source that casts light to foreground. Wall on the left has window and scene is surrounded by hollow sphere that has gives strong ambient light. Consect is totally nonexistent - I had no skill or imagination to modell God or Humans so I had to present worship by some abstract means. I simply threw in some aspects hoping that something comes up. So if you see some consept in this picture you can blame yourself. I hope you don't feel you are wasting your time =) -pto-