EMAIL: NAME: Michael Lewis TOPIC: Worship COPYRIGHT: I SUBMIT TO THE STANDARD RAYTRACING COMPETITION COPYRIGHT. TITLE: The Snow Temple COUNTRY: United States of America RENDERER USED: POV-Ray 3.1 for MSDOS TOOLS USED: Moray 2.5b.wat for MSDOS Microsoft Image Composer v1.0 (for TGA->JPG conversion) RENDER TIME: 45 minutes CREATION TIME: about 15 minutes HARDWARE USED: Intel Celeron 133/64MB RAM IMAGE DESCRIPTION: This is the Secret Snowman Temple in the wastes of Antarctica. Ok, so its stupid. I had one day before the deadline and I wanted an idea. So here it is. Laugh at me all you want. My idea was that this competition was for art, creativity, and expression, not for showing off how good you are at downloading free wire meshes off the Internet. DESCRIPTION OF HOW THIS IMAGE WAS CREATED: I had a lame idea about 36 hours before the deadline. Here it is. Ha ha. Its all cubes, cylinders, and a couple prism objects from pov3's arsenal. Whoohoo. The textures are all simple solid color or marble maps, with bumps etc. Oh, it should actually take 45 minutes to render, I was playing a multiplayer on Command & Conquer while it rendered. So results may (will?) vary.