===== From nitro_glis@yahoo.com: I like the little speach in you description :) if only there was a 'best description text file' honerable mention :p ===== From philip.chan@home.com: The models are pretty good, as far as I can tell (since none of them are close enought or large enough to really be seen well). A few additions that would have been nice would be to add some indications or rank to the uniforms of the big soldiers and to add trees and buildings to the terrain. ===== From lrwii@joplin.com: A little more colors on the battlefield would help. The wooden border around it needs to rotated so that the gain runs length wise. ===== From StephenF@whoever.com: Interesting camera angle. Overall, a very nice scene, if a bit simplistic. Large figures don't look bad, but the hands could use some work. Wood grain looks nice, but seems rather large in relation to the rest of the scene. ===== From gmccarter@hotmail.com: Minor faux pas with the hand plunging through the side of the board. Very good concept. I really wish you had time to do this image properly -- it would have been excellent. ===== From tm-ray@consistent.org: Army clothes do *not* fit that well. ;) I like your quote.