===== From jouni@mikrobitti.fi: A good idea, which suffers somewhat from the little problems in the implementation: particularly lights and lack of a single most important object come to mind. Well done nonetheless. ===== From marlo.steed@uleth.ca: Nice image. Perhpas light being cast from the windows and doors would have added a more dramatic look. ===== From lrwii@joplin.com: Nice kite. I like the composition. A little too much blue for my taste but an over all good effort. ===== From chris_hormann@gmx.de: It looks much like a model, the ground should be more dirty IMO. Also the lighting seems quite strange: the main light seems quite high, but it's fairly dark at the same time. Nice composition. ===== From r@proxy1.ntu.edu.sg: Notable for lighting, textures, composition, modelling ===== From r@proxy1.ntu.edu.sg: Notable for lighting, textures, composition, modelling ===== From r@proxy1.ntu.edu.sg: Notable for lighting, textures, composition, modelling ===== From r@proxy1.ntu.edu.sg: Notable for lighting, textures, composition, modelling ===== From r@proxy1.ntu.edu.sg: Notable for lighting, textures, composition, modelling ===== From r@proxy1.ntu.edu.sg: Notable for lighting, textures, composition, modelling ===== From r@proxy1.ntu.edu.sg: Notable for lighting, textures, composition, modelling ===== From r@proxy3.ntu.edu.sg: Notable for lighting, textures, composition, modelling