===== From fmurr@free.fr: the light reflected in water is subtil and fine, but the piece of sky visible is not that good. ===== From jouni@mikrobitti.fi: Good color balance and nice composition, but some modelling problems lower your score - take the small island's connection to the water surface for example. A bit too smooth maybe? You should've written a decent text description of your image. As it is, rating your technical merits high is guessing - and I prefer low-end guesses. ===== From marlo.steed@uleth.ca: Nice image, I like the folage on the trees. A few details would have helped... grass going right down into the water doesn't look natural. Where the water and white ground meet by the buildig just doesn't look right. ===== From daffy-duck@worldnet.att.net: I like the slight blur to the reflection in the water. ===== From lrwii@joplin.com: I like the reflections in the water and the sky. The trees could use more variety in the color of the leafs. ===== From chris_hormann@gmx.de: You should definitely have written some words about the picture and it's creation. Without judging is quite impossible.