===== From jouni@mikrobitti.fi: Interesting, but scores a triple-1 because you didn't bother to explain the connection to Asia, and it most certainly isn't clear. ===== From ruy@hipernet.com.br: How does it relate to Asia? ===== From marlo.steed@uleth.ca: Artistic merit is high. Conceptually .... not sure, I know Asia likes masks but this one does not look unique to Asia. ===== From daffy-duck@worldnet.att.net: With no description I'm left wondering how this is Asian. ===== From lrwii@joplin.com: What is this? A little information would help. Please put something in the Text file next time. ===== From thomas_alun@lineone.net: Its a little hard to see its relevance to the topic. ===== From chris_hormann@gmx.de: Please add some description text to your picture, without judging is nearly impossible