TITLE: Bedroom NAME: Chris Sullivan COUNTRY: U.S.A. EMAIL: lws495@netway.com TOPIC: Winter COPYRIGHT: I SUBMIT TO THE STANDARD RAYTRACING COMPETITION COPYRIGHT. RENDERER USED: P.O.V. TOOLS USED: sPATCH ~ POV RENDER TIME: ? don't remember...I think about 25 min IMAGE DESCRIPTION: Being from New England, one would imagine a "WINTER" scene including snowmen, snowball fights, kids sledding, etc. But actually, the biggest difference winter brings is not the snowy things you see, but more what you DON"T see; 3 things I miss for 9 months are Legs, belly buttons, and cleavage. Every bundles up from Sept to June, and pack away their summer clothes,suntan lotion, etc.... DESCRIPTION OF HOW THIS IMAGE WAS CREATED: I knew instantly what I wanted my picture to be when I saw the subject matter. I modeled the whole sceene in sPATCH ( it took about 2 hours) and then exported to POV and refined textures. The hardest part was getting the camera angle just the way I liked,so you could read the lables on the boxes, see the window and the sweaters hanging in the closet.