EMAIL: NAME: blake guyan (bl@stzone) TOPIC: stills images, winter COPYRIGHT: I SUBMIT TO THE STANDARD RAYTRACING COMPETITION COPYRIGHT. TITLE: the waiting game COUNTRY: England WEBPAGE: http://www.stormpages,com/blastzone/1blendhome RENDERER USED: BLENDER!!!!!!!!!!! TOOLS USED: erm blender? RENDER TIME: over all working on it etc took me about a week I think HARDWARE USED: my pc not sure precisely on the specs but I have no doubt its probably worse than yours! IMAGE DESCRIPTION: ww2 and the crew of the USARMY tank scorpion1 lays in wait for the Germans on the road to Stalingrad DESCRIPTION OF HOW THIS IMAGE WAS CREATED: hard work!!! And a little advice from my friends :). That's about it the snow was a simple plain I subdivided fractal then set smooth and the tank was basically modeled from pictures from a website, iv only been rendering 3d for a month and a half so I don't plan to win but hey it did say ametures :P