===== From the_dark_allies@hotmail.com: As you mentioned, the scene is very simplistic. I know your new to 3D but generally one would expect a bit more, especially from using software that costs an arm and a leg as you did. Next time you may want to try using textures for snow and other things instead of just changing the material color. It will do wonders for your image. The landscape modeling and lighting also needs some work. I hope to see you enter the next IRTC and see how much improvement has happened. Keep at it and you’ll get there eventually. Good luck. ===== From pokorny@attglobal.net: I like the snowman. He seems to have an attitude! ===== From tom@tomandlu.co.uk: A fun and cheeky image. Not a high-scorer I suspect, but a welcome addition all the same. ===== From edward_dixon2001@yahoo.com: Nicely framed, and nicely lit - something many more experienced entrants get wrong. Keep at it. ===== From lrwii@joplin.com: You certainly got the cartoon effect. Such a simple scene could be turned into a simple animation. Have Fun! ===== From file: It reminds me of the music enthusiast who buys a top-of-the-line Steinway grand piano at premium price, but can only play "Mary had a little lamb". Not that it's a bad tune, but Chopin could play better music on a 2nd-hand Yamaha, if you take my meaning. ===== From file: I like simple images like this one. Light's a little overexposed, though.