EMAIL: NAME: Gail Shaw TOPIC: Spectacular Landscapes COPYRIGHT: I SUBMIT TO THE STANDARD RAYTRACING COMPETITION COPYRIGHT. TITLE: Earth Rise COUNTRY: South Africa WEBPAGE: RENDERER USED: Pov-Ray 3.5 TOOLS USED: World machine Paint Shop Pro RENDER TIME: 2 hr 38 min HARDWARE USED: Athlon 1Ghz IMAGE DESCRIPTION: The earth, as seen from a lunar colony. To me, little could be more spectacular than that. DESCRIPTION OF HOW THIS IMAGE WAS CREATED: Initially I had planned to have the colony in a massive crater, but I was unable to create a reasonable looking crater with the tools I have. Eventually I loaded up World Machine, created a perlin noise map and kept hitting 'randomise' until it there was a nice flat section. The colony is all simple CSG. There is very little detail as it was not needed, the object being placed so far from the camera. The earth is a sphere with two image maps and a bump map (which can't be seen) and some scattering media for the atmosphere. The front of the pic felt a little empty, so I created another height field and put it close to the camera. The lunar sand is a isosurface with another heightfield differnce out to create the footprint. Sorry, no sourcecode this time because the pic's mostly a lot of heightfields and image maps.