TITLE: Aha! NAME: James Moore COUNTRY: US EMAIL: jtm11@bellsouth.net TOPIC: Frozen Moment COPYRIGHT: I SUBMIT TO THE STANDARD RAYTRACING COMPETITION COPYRIGHT. RENDERER USED: Povray 3.5 TOOLS USED: Povray, Poser, Paintshop Pro for jpg conversion RENDER TIME: 50 hrs HARDWARE USED: Athlon XP 1.6 GHz, 1 GB RAM IMAGE DESCRIPTION: ...the unique moment in time when, in trying to understand a complex situation, the swirl of thoughts suddenly forms an idea and the light shines, revealing the answer. DESCRIPTION OF HOW THIS IMAGE WAS CREATED: Another pretty simple image using mainly CSG objects & a poser model. The long render time was due to the max trace level needed to bring out all the reflections. The background is just a hollow box with an agate pigment pattern and a wrinkle normal pattern with a little reflection thrown in. The clock is just a torus for the outer ring, a black cylinder for the face and boxes & text objects for the minute marks, numbers & hands covered by a sphere with a glass texture to produce the reflections. The head is the reflection of a poser model with a glass finish & no refraction to avoid distorting the reflection of the lightbulb & swirl. The swirl was made using an emitting media. I started with several sphere sweeps to make the basic shape of the swirl, & used it as an object pattern for the media density of the head. The color & feathering were done using multiple density patterns. It lost some of the detail in the reflection, it looks more like a spiral galaxy when the object is actually in the camera's angle. The lightbulb in the head is a sphere sweep with a scattering & emitting media for brightness, another sphere sweep for the filament and a cylinder for the base. As always, any comments, criticism or advice is greatly appreciated.