TITLE: Lightning Strike NAME: MIke Ferris COUNTRY: Canada EMAIL: mikey_eff@yahoo.ca TOPIC: Frozen Moment COPYRIGHT: I SUBMIT TO THE STANDARD RAYTRACING COMPETITION COPYRIGHT. RENDERER USED: POV-Ray for Windows 3.5 TOOLS USED: Moray 3.3, MakeTree and MakeGrass macros from Gilles Tran, Microsoft Photo Editor (for conversion to JPEG) RENDER TIME: 21 hours 52 minutes 11.0 seconds (78731 seconds) HARDWARE USED: 500 MHz AMD K6-2 with 384 MB RAM, 733 MHz Pentium III with 256 MB RAM -- both used for editing, modelling, and test renders; K6-2 used for final render DESCRIPTION OF HOW THIS IMAGE WAS CREATED: Main Tree - Created with MakeTree and saved to INC files which were then included into the POV scene description. The leaves cast no shadow so as brighten the overall tree. Lightning Bolt - The main arm of the bolt consists of 20 sphere_sweep objects of increasing radius. As the radius increases the colour goes from white to yellow to transparent with a high ambient finish. A bounding box is used to clip the sphere_sweep so as to show the inner colouring. The bolt casts no shadow. The branches of the bolt are further instances of the main arm rotated, scaled, and translated into position. Hill - Heightfield generated using the heightfield tutorial in the POV-Ray documentation and clipped to get a single hill from the resulting landscape. Grass - A total of 40 different blades created using the MakeBlade macro in Gilles Tran's MakeGrass.pov file. An XZ grid was generated with some randomness added to the position of each point. At each grid point, one of the 40 blades was picked at random and the trace()function was then used to place the blade on the hill. A total of 25,600 blades of grass are on the hill. Rocks - A single rock object was created using Moray and saved to an INC file. The rock consists of two bezier patches. The trace() function was used to place two instances of the rock, one rotated and scaled to appear different than the other. Background Trees & Hills - These are instances of the main tree and hill (without grass or rocks), textured to be black so as to look like a silhouette and scaled/rotated for individuality. Sparks - 2,024 very small reflective spheres positioned randomly along multiple parabolas. The spheres cast no shadow. The parabolas are positioned so as to intersect with the lightning bolt's point of impact and are randomly sized and rotated. Smoke - A hollow cone with media. Impact Flash - A hollow sphere with media positioned at the point of impact. Light Sources - There are two, both of them coloured Yellow. (1) Positioned just behind the point of impact to light the impact flash sphere and backlight the tree. (2) Dimmed to 0.6 the intensity of (1) and positioned at a distance above and to the left for a bit of extra light. Ground Plane - A simple XZ plane with a dark, wrinkled texture. Sky - An XZ plane with texture to make clouds. Scene rendered with anti-aliasing and radiosity. Total number of objects in scene: 287045 Peak memory used: 321485856 bytes