EMAIL: NAME: Stefano Pezzoli TOPIC: Old Technology COPYRIGHT: I SUBMIT TO THE STANDARD RAYTRACING COMPETITION COPYRIGHT. TITLE: Watermill COUNTRY: Italy JPG FILE: h2omill.jpg RENDERER USED: CYBERMOTION 7.02 TOOL USED: Photoshop - Terragen RENDER TIME: 4h. 15min for rendering - 2 Week for creation - HARDWARE USED: Pentium 3 1000 Mhz . IMAGE DESCRIPTION: Scope of this project is to show the old technology created long time ago to improve men's hard works. This technology is more interesting because use the natural water power with low natural impact. This philosofy (combine with new technology) is more important for a rigth future development. The creation of this model is ispired of the existing watermill located in Vallepietra (Rome) DESCRIPTION OF HOW THIS IMAGE WAS CREATED: For the full process of creation and rendering I used only cybermotion, all components is custon made for this project. Afther the teme selection (watermill), I search in the web all document necessary to support my creation. I start to modelling the house and the mill, after I apply the first texture (this part of work combine 90% of scene in relative short time). After I added more object to increase the complexity and to give more realistic atmosphere. A drops of water and flour is generated with the function "particle system". In the last phase, I detailed the texture (paint or modify wit Photoshop) end fixed the light source (for obtain the final rendering I use 6 lamps source, 2 parallel source and 1 spot light). For the background I use one image genarated with Terragen and soften with Photoshop. This is my first complex creation, the software used is not professional and easy to use, I satisfied of my work.