===== From rgow@lanset.com: Your 1st raytrace? Good work! Try making one light source shadowless to avoid unnatural shadows. ===== From raytracing@grayproductions.net: I enjoyed your take on the topic and look forward to future entries. ===== From tek@evilsuperbrain.com: Cool, robot termites! Excellent for a first work, keep tracing and I'm sure you'll improve. My only criticism is that everything in the scene is very simple, but obviously as your skills improve you will produce more complex scenes. The content and idea of the image are great. ===== From marlo.steed@uleth.ca: The concept is high. The modeling and artistic merit needed more work - much more detail and realism would have really made this concept come to life. ===== From hildurka@simnet.is: A very simple scene, not bad for a first image. Keep up the good work! ===== From p_chan@shaw.ca: Interesting take on the topic. I feel the image could use a better sense of scale - the trees in the background don't seem too distant, and yet their size suggests giant termites.