===== From rgow@lanset.com: An interesting concept, but could be developed a bit more. Water looks very grainy. ===== From maarten_hofman@hotmail.com: Quite original, though an unlikely thing to actually exist on a beach. The water could've used some more attention. ===== From tek@evilsuperbrain.com: It's not possible to make sand have such perfect edges, and the objects seem to be a different colour to the ground. Also you really need to render with anti-aliasing. Other than that this is a nice scene. The idea is really good and the choice of buildings is good, particularly the millenium dome which would be almost impossible to build out of sand :) I like the way you've laid out the shot, with the umbrella and water forming a kind of frame to the content of the picture. The dunes in the background look good too, and their colour looks much more sandy than the buildings. ===== From marlo.steed@uleth.ca: Nice concept. Sand and water are two of the hardest substances to simulate in 3D. I think you need to work on that a bit. Softer light may have helped. Take a look lots of beach scenes as reference. ===== From hildurka@simnet.is: To model something that is really almost impossible to make in real life, and still make it look realistic, that is very difficult. This is still a very good idea, but no a very easy one. I like the idea of collecting in one spot different famous skyscrapers but I donīt think you can simply use boxes to represent something made out of sand. Sand is a soft material, it will never really have hard edges or sharp corners if you know what I mean. There will also always be imperfections in the sandscraper. This requires a different modelling method (blobs, isosurfaces, mesh modelling to name just a few) more like working with clay (I donīt know the possibilities in Bryce). The parasol and the bucket help give the right scale and the scene as a whole is good. And I still love the idea! ===== From chris_hormann@gmx.de: Great idea but somewhat poor implementation. The corners of the buildings are too sharp for them to be made of sand. The whole scene strongly needs antialiasing. ===== From p_chan@shaw.ca: Nice work modelling the sandscrapers. The textures could use some improvement (sand seems too monotone, water too reflective).