===== From ph.gibone@wanadoo.fr: The idea depicted in the description is very interesting, much there is too much distortion (imho) ===== From rgow@lanset.com: Heh heh, I remember that scene from the book... great idea. The camera lens effect is maybe too strong, it would be nice to make out some detail of the house. ===== From thatsalloneword@msn.com: I love the concept, but I think it would've been much better without the distortions (or at least, toned down a bit). ===== From marlo.steed@uleth.ca: This would be great art but will probably be rated poorly here because the 3D nature of the image does not come through (unless you visualize it). ===== From kingofmycastle@gmx.net: A really good idea to express surrealism. ===== From kevinq2000@yahoo.com: While "So Long And Thanks For All The Fish" is a surreal book, I just don't think this is a very Surreal image. Abstract, yes, but that's not quite enough. ===== From hildurka@simnet.is: I like the concept, it is really strange. The distortion looks good, but it obscures the true image so it is impossible to see this inside out effect. Too bad. Makes this look like a painting. ===== From p.gibellini@teinos.com: Interesting and autoreferential ;-) ===== From shay@simcoparts.com: This is quite a different take from the surrealism presented in the book, the schtick of which seemed to be showing the ridiculous as plainly and simply as possible. There isn't enough left after the distortion to recognize this as any house in particular. ===== From file: Notable for composition, originality ===== From file: This is surreal at its most blurry.