===== From jminner@sc.rr.com: Very interesting concept. Detail is a little off, but I love the originality. ===== From ph.gibone@wanadoo.fr: Not appealing (imho) ===== From rgow@lanset.com: Good concept. I like the liquid looking hills and bubbles. Image seems a bit flat though. ===== From pmccombs@xmission.com: The fluid is a nice concept, but it needs a little more work to eliminate a couple of artifacts. The other objects are a somewhat ad-hoc and maybe could be worked into the composition a little bit better. ===== From marlo.steed@uleth.ca: Nice image. I like the blobs and subtle color of the background. From aesthetic perspective, the other objects look a bit out of place to me. It would have been cool to make these foreground objects more bloblular like. ===== From kingofmycastle@gmx.net: Interesting interpretation. I like the reflecting bubbles and the soft lighting. ===== From hildurka@simnet.is: Great concept. Your image is a good attempt to touch on the subconscious. Great work!