===== From ph.gibone@wanadoo.fr: I don't get the point ===== From rgow@lanset.com: The lights look very good. The reflection on the glow makes some odd artifacts, maybe try some scattering or emitting media instead. ===== From pmccombs@xmission.com: I found this a little humorous. ===== From marlo.steed@uleth.ca: Nice affect. The light edges around the box seemed distracting. ===== From kingofmycastle@gmx.net: Interesting objects. I wonder why it's so fuzzy. ===== From hildurka@simnet.is: You´ve got to be kidding me. I looked at your image for a long time, before I read the text, and I must admit: There was no way I could figure out what this was about. I couldn´t even guess that the box was supposed to be a box! I though it was a gem or some extraterrestial magic fluid in a container. Not bad though, being able to fool people like that! ===== From shay@simcoparts.com: Nothing here is recognizable or clear enough for this picture to have any effect. My first impression was that Pertti was sleeping on some type of grey sofa.