EMAIL: NAME: Richard Massey TOPIC: Decay COPYRIGHT: I SUBMIT TO THE STANDARD RAYTRACING COMPETITION COPYRIGHT. TITLE: Beach COUNTRY: UK WEBPAGE: RENDERER USED: Bryce 3D TOOLS USED: N/A RENDER TIME: ? HARDWARE USED: Pentium 4 Windows XP IMAGE DESCRIPTION: Decay is the effect of time and elements upon objects. For many these objects may be fruit or organic forms, which many people find the decay unpleasant to look at. In my image, I wanted to show how beautiful decay can be. Hopefully, you will find that this is in fact the case - how the elements and time can change objects in beautiful and interesting ways. The boat in this image creates a contrast between organic and inorganic decay, and the beauty of decay as a whole. DESCRIPTION OF HOW THIS IMAGE WAS CREATED: * Boat was created using cylinder and cuboids * Rock objects were added * Infinite water plane was added * Textures were applied to plant objects * Finally, atmosphere was adjusted to finish the beach scene