===== From exether@demo.xandmail.com: I would have called that industrial decay rather than urban. The atmosphere is well rendered. If you're currently in Irak I wish you the best. ===== From noe.falzon@tiscali.fr: That's nice but we (I !) don't really see the "decay" here, except the few debrits spread in the room. And I think the colors and textures are a bit "flat" (but maybe it is only due to the gamma). But that's good anyway ! ===== From rgow@lanset.com: Good job! Conveys the feel of an abandoned building very well. Windows are too clean & probably should have some broken panes. ===== From panikme@yahoo.com.br: just a scennery of a not userd industri or othe tink like this. But a great light efect. ===== From hildurka@simnet.is: Your radiosity settings very correct, the scene has this dusty feeling at the same time the shadows are dark and well defined. Your textures might need more dirt and variation to really look decayed, as it is this building lookes like it was abandoned onle a few days ago. More rubbish and some broken window panes also would help give the sense of abandonment and decay. The overall composition is good and the light i just perfect , the low number of lights in the area light isnīt all that important. ===== From the_dark_allies@hotmail.com: I like this one. Some good effects in here. ===== From Knight-Graphics@earthlink.net: Wonderful lighting. Continue to push the limits of your imagination (and your computer). ===== From p_chan@shaw.ca: You've done a good job with the detail in modelling, but the textures could use more work in that they don't give a sense of decay. While the debris does give a sense of abandonment, without things like rust or water damage in the texturing, the abandonment seems more recent than long. ===== From slone@hiwaay.net: Great lighting! Most of the textures seem a little plain, but the pallet looks good and the water tower is very good. It is interesting how much effort we have to exert to keep things from falling into decay; great text file and concept. ===== From file: WOW. You did what I tried to do, but you did it well. Notable for lighting, modelling, textures ===== From file: WOW. You did what I tried to do, but you did it well. Notable for lighting, modelling, textures ===== From file: Nice - it's one of the best 'decaying factory' scenes which seem quite poular this round. So it should come in the top 10 I think. -RICH