TITLE: Urban Decay NAME: Jonathon Rogers COUNTRY: USA / Iraq EMAIL: reactor_x@hotmail.com WEBPAGE: http://www.detrifuse.net/ TOPIC: Decay COPYRIGHT: I SUBMIT TO THE STANDARD RAYTRACING COMPETITION COPYRIGHT. RENDERER USED: Povray 3.5 RENDER TIME: (estimated) Pre-trace: 3 hours Final: 9 hours HARDWARE USED: OmniBook PC 700 Mhz 128 Mb RAM IMAGE DESCRIPTION: Does life imitate art, or art life? Can buildings and cities have lives and personalities like people, or are they just elaborate shelters to keep us warm and dry? Perhaps buildings do not live by themselves, but receive life from the people that inhabit them. Like all living things, it will one day die when the people leave it. Times change, economies shift, people move, companies close... This image is intended to be one of an old, long abandoned industrial building. I've noticed how buildings seem to fall apart with amazing speed when abandoned, just as a the body of a living creature slowly changes over the years as it lives, but rapidly changes when the creature dies. One can't help but liken buildings and entire cities to people... growing rapidly and bustling in their youth, slowing down over time as things slowly change... One day, it dies a death of sorts as it no longer serves a purpose to those that once gave it life... DESCRIPTION OF HOW THIS IMAGE WAS CREATED: Viewing warnings: This image was created on a laptop, so the gamma might be a bit odd. I'm rather interested in urban archaeology and happened to find a picture online that somehow captivated my attention. When I remembered that the topic was decay, I had to try to render it. This image was my first real experiment with radiosity, so I spent most of the time testing parameters and reading the docs. The majority of the image is fairly simple and consists mostly of the basic primitives (boxes, tori, spheres, & cylinders). I didn't really have any tools available except for ones I had been working on before (the sweep and grass tools). The idea was to make a fairly simple room but have lots more debris, but I couldn't quite reach the level intended due to time constraints. For object creation, I looked at interior pictures of old buildings online and sketched what I thought I could render from different angles... not much more to it really. Known issues: The area light needs a higher number of light sources and a higher adaptive value to get rid of the artifacts on the wall. The window panes are in the source, but the partially transparent texture really, really slowed things down when coupled with area lights, atmosphere, and radiosity. I felt the walls were too bare for a real abandoned workshop and wanted to put in a few other things, like old safety signs and graffiti. The detail of the grass was lost in this image as it was intended to be viewed at 1000 x 600. I wanted to give a non-uniform density to the media, but ran out of time.