===== From exether@demo.xandmail.com: I recognised your style. Improved from last time. I also like the theme of pollution, I'm myself pissed by what we're doing. ===== From noe.falzon@tiscali.fr: C'est dommage, l'image a une drôle de "grain" (la compression jpeg, peut-être ?). Sinon, c'est une bonne idée, et une jolie mise en scène. ===== From god@rajram.com: Je ne comprends pas pourquoi son image manifeste "une bien triste histoire." Le millieu n'a pas de detail. ===== From rgow@lanset.com: Good job on the trash. Birds look a little odd. What I really want to know is how did the tire get on the tree branch? ;-) ===== From panikme@yahoo.com.br: very cool image ===== From hildurka@simnet.is: So at the bitter end the frogs will take over? This is a nice "naive" scene, good layout, excellent light. The fog in the background really helps to create the right atmosphere. Good work, I like it. ===== From the_dark_allies@hotmail.com: Good theme. I like the scenery, though texturing could be bumped up a little. ===== From Knight-Graphics@earthlink.net: Continue to push the limits of your imagination (and your computer). ===== From p_chan@shaw.ca: Nice composition. The elements in the scene work well together. The crumbling effect of the bridge could be improved - perhaps by doing something that makes more use of the brick texture. ===== From slone@hiwaay.net: Nice look, a larger image would be nice to see more of the many details. ===== From file: Good! The bridge textureis not quite right, but I love the image.