TITLE: Fallen Civilization NAME: Jonathan Parke COUNTRY: USA EMAIL: jrparke@unity.ncsu.edu WEBPAGE: www.habasanfleet.com TOPIC: DECAY COPYRIGHT: I SUBMIT TO THE STANDARD RAYTRACING COMPETITION COPYRIGHT. JPGFILE: jrp_fciv.jpg RENDERER USED: 3dsmax 3 with vray free version renderer plugin TOOLS USED: AutoCAD 2000i for modeling, Paint Shop Pro 7 for textures, 3dsmax3 for scene creation RENDER TIME: 6 hours at 1600x1200 HARDWARE USED: 1.3 Ghz AMD, 512 mb ram IMAGE DESCRIPTION: The last remains of an ancient civilization lie crumbling to dust. Even the greatest powers must someday fall to entropy and decay. DESCRIPTION OF HOW THIS IMAGE WAS CREATED: First I drew a 2d pencil sketch to get the composition/layout right. Then the ruins made with autocad, starting with 3 view drawing + extrude + boolean intersection. Then damage added by slicing away sections until I got the right appearance. Textures are (mostly) a blend material of some appropriate rock photos found online. Grass was created by using displacement map/plane to get the ground shape, and Druid Grass-O-Matic plugin to scatter it over the surface. Lighting setup is a single target spot light for the direct lighting, and low intensity global illumination used for ambient light. Credit/use information: Textures based on photos found online (can't remember exact sites). Everything else is my own work. Use of this image and the source files is permitted as long as the following two conditions are met: 1) If anyone but you sees your use of my work, clear credit must be given for any part I made. 2) ABSOLUTELY no profit can be made unless I have given specific approval. If there is even the slightest question about whether it might be acceptable, the answer is no. If you don't like this rule, send me some money and I'll reconsider it.