===== From s.tessarin@tin.it: mybe a few comment could help!!! ===== From exether@demo.xandmail.com: Apart for the title it difficult to see the decay aspect of your image. It is probably too small. Some description could help. ===== From god@rajram.com: Mystical - Yes Fantastic - Yes Realistic - No Decay - No ===== From sigmanufratguy@netscape.net: Some description please. ===== From rgow@lanset.com: Something in the .txt file to explain how this relates to the topic would be nice. ===== From panikme@yahoo.com.br: very cool ===== From hildurka@simnet.is: This image is way too small. I canīt really guess what itīs about. The text doesnīt say anything. ===== From helene.dumur@free.fr: Il will be better with some comments... ===== From the_dark_allies@hotmail.com: I like this image, something about it looks pleasing to me. Too bad you didn't tell us what you did. ===== From Knight-Graphics@earthlink.net: Looks like it might be cool... but I can't really tell. It needs to be larger and clearer. Continue to push the limits of your imagination (and your computer). ===== From file: Um.. I don't see the decay connection.