===== From exether@demo.xandmail.com: Big work indeed. I think the lighting is too uniform so that it's difficult to believe it's night time. Some stars would make it easier maybe, and darker general lighting with some rad maybe. ===== From noe.falzon@tiscali.fr: I don't really see that it is a decaying house (except if I look closer) But that's a nice house ===== From god@rajram.com: Boring topic, great image, not enough decay ===== From rgow@lanset.com: Excellent stone wall! A lot of good things going on here. Only thing I don't like is the color of the sky, seems like it needs more blue. ===== From hildurka@simnet.is: I love the stone walls, better than most Iīve seen. But you are right. There are many unsolved problems in this scene. The lighting ans the skay somehow donīt fit, the clouds are probably far to bright for this dusk. The house has a strange shape, reminds me of a pyramid or something. The overall layout is good and the car lights help the overall atmosphere. ===== From the_dark_allies@hotmail.com: I like this one. Perhaps too much purple everywhere, but I will be looking forward to other entries like this one. ===== From Knight-Graphics@earthlink.net: Amazing color. This is one of the best entries. Continue to push the limits of your imagination (and your computer). ===== From p_chan@shaw.ca: The stone walls look very good, and the level of detail is excellent, but as you mentioned, some elements could use improvement. The rust texture looks good except where it is directly illuminated by the headlights. The joining road do look awkward. Perhaps it would have been better to extend the road going into the image all the way to the grass, so that the transition to the other road would be less visible (although there would be two transitions). ===== From file: The building is a kind of combo between tower and mansion, but I like the colors. yeah, the lighting could use some work, but not bad overall. ===== From file: 'scooby dooby doo, where are you...?' And hey - you would have got away with it if it wasn't for those pesky kids. But really, nice idea. -RICH