===== From shevlin@uic.edu: The slightly murky water obscures some of the details of the ship; maybe making the effect more distance-dependent could bring out some of your hard work in modelling it. The monochromatic nature of the underwater scene tends to sap away some of the image's visual appeal. ===== From marlo.steed@uleth.ca: The concept works. The modeling looks nice. I think the lighting negated the work you had done on the nemo model. A more dramatic lighting setup would have made the the foreground image pop out of the screne. In addition there is something about the scene that seems more like a fog than underwater. ===== From rgow@lanset.com: Good job on the nautilus! More contrasting textures would help bring out the wreck and background. ===== From simplepsy@aol.com: good concept. Cant make out the cannon though... looks very blurry. ===== From the_dark_allies@hotmail.com: Nice ship. I would have enjoyed seeing some implemented caustics though. ===== From p_chan@shaw.ca: The detail on the sub is excellent. Caustics would have made the scene more interesting, but I think it works well as it is, though it may suggest deeper waters than in your text description. The sunken ship could be improved by adding signs of damage. ===== From file: Nice ship and bubbles and fish. A bit lifeless. Plants on the ground ight improve it. ===== From file: Notable for originality