===== From shevlin@uic.edu: I like the double entendre; it makes the image more interesting (and a touch humorous) than the run-of-the-mill Greeks or Romans that seem to prevail this round. The CSG soldiers are pretty impressive and make a nice change from canned Poser figures. They could use some variety in the big formation, though; maybe that would be possible by using some rand() in your include file. The overall setting is a bit arid for the subject, I think; some trees and grass would help not only the details of the image, but its believability also. ===== From marlo.steed@uleth.ca: The concept works well. The camera angle and the haze in the air works well. However,l the horse needed more detail and a more realistic texture. For instance, the wheels need to look quite different from the horse itself. ===== From rgow@lanset.com: Nice horse, and good job on modeling the soldiers. Adding some randomness to their formation would look more natural. ===== From simplepsy@aol.com: Great idea. The combination of the modern fact and an old myth is genious. There is some nice composition here... the size of the horse and the men work well together. I feel that the background could have used some more work, as it is a bit bland. But I guess this depends on what your aims were. ===== From the_dark_allies@hotmail.com: Very nicely done scene. A shame they fell for the trick though… ===== From p_chan@shaw.ca: The CSG soldiers work quite well at this distance. One thing that struck me is that the grass blades lack a sense of scale when compared to the captain. ===== From skirsch@comcast.net: Where's the castle? Cute but ... ===== From file: The soldiers are good. Finally someone modelled a human without Poser etc. The sand fog and texture are nice. The horse model is good. Only the wood texture is not convincing. The clouds or sky are missing something. (don't know what) Notable for modelling, lighting ===== From file: nice play on trojan horses Notable for originality ===== From file: I like the "Internet Security" title at the top Notable for originality