===== From shevlin@uic.edu: Nice clouds. ===== From marlo.steed@uleth.ca: The concept is great. The hand and the water work well. However, the rest of the elements needed work. For instance, the reeds and cattails lack the same level of realism. Same comment for the figure at the back of the pond. ===== From jminner@sc.rr.com: Very good, a little bit grainy, but overall it's very nice. ===== From rgow@lanset.com: Good concept, composition. Darker background & sky would add to the nightime atmosphere. ===== From the_dark_allies@hotmail.com: Interesting scene. One tip, items up close such as the vegetation on the left, could do with some better texturing. It will add a lot more feel of detail to the scene even if the background doesn’t have it. ===== From file: Notable for composition ===== From file: Sterile plants and house spoils the effect. Nice sword and water. Notable for modelling ===== From file: I love the idea behind this one Notable for lighting, composition