TITLE: Fired! NAME: Thomas Pimmel COUNTRY: Belgium EMAIL: tom@ringard.org WEBPAGE: http://tom.ringard.org TOPIC: Mythology COPYRIGHT: I SUBMIT TO THE STANDARD RAYTRACING COMPETITION COPYRIGHT. RENDERER USED: Povray 3.5 TOOLS USED: Painter program (logo, jpg conversion and some textures), kpovmodeler 1.0 (modeler tool on linux-kde), Jpatch 0.2.1 (dragon queue) RENDER TIME: 4 hours HARDWARE USED: P3 800 mhz IMAGE DESCRIPTION: Who said Dragons don't exist ? This is not mythology! Last day, I meet one of them in a very dark street. He published his autobiography. But it was not really a success, and he was fired by the editor. However, something never changes : when there is a dragon, there is a knight to fight him. A knight who should be... fired, of course. DESCRIPTION OF HOW THIS IMAGE WAS CREATED: All objects were modelled on kpovmodeler. Textures come mostly from http://www.grsites.com/textures or are hand made, in my own paint software, EcoPaint (still in development). I used Jpatch for the dragon queue, all others objets are povray objects. Thanks to all friends for criticisms and supports, especially Thierry.