===== From tom@ringard.org: A little out of topic, I think. It's the great invention of naked girl or photography ? (just kidding). Textures are great. You made a good job with poser objects. But the mirror is too flat and the other objects of bathroom are too simple, for me. ===== From rgow@lanset.com: I'm assuming the invention here if the camera? It's not clear, either from the image or your text. ===== From terraform@upnaway.com: A little flat looking, maybe too much white? but it looks good and the compostion is good too. ===== From skirsch@comcast.net: Nice job ... she's hot! ===== From ruy@hipernet.com.br: dead off-topic. ===== From corvus@onewhiteraven.com: great image, but which bit is the great invention? ===== From marlo.steed@uleth.ca: No comment on nudes. ===== From file: ay caramba! Notable for lighting, textures, modelling ===== From file: ay caramba! Notable for lighting, textures, modelling ===== From file: seems like some gratutose nudity for no reason.