TITLE: Weighty Matters NAME: Charles H. Rousseau COUNTRY: United States EMAIL: CHRousseau@aol.com TOPIC: Great Inventions COPYRIGHT: I SUBMIT TO THE STANDARD RAYTRACING COMPETITION COPYRIGHT. RENDERER USED: Bryce 5.0 TOOLS USED: Rhino 2.0 RENDER TIME: 1:45 HARDWARE USED: Windows PC IMAGE DESCRIPTION: The standardization of weights and measures through the use of accurate scales revolutionized commerce and made much of modern science--especially medicine and chemistry--possible. Yet the fundamental design of scales have not appreciably changed since primitive man hung a piece of meat on one end of a stick and counterweighted it with a rock. DESCRIPTION OF HOW THIS IMAGE WAS CREATED: Meshes of all objects were original and modeled in Rhino 2.0, imported into Bryce 5 and textured and lit. Rendering was straightforward though tedious as it always is with Bryce.