===== From tenmoons@aol.com: Yes, an important idea that we shouldn't forget. Have you tried using large, simple container objects, with density_maps to control the actual shape of the media? (There's a media tutorial SOMEWHERE on the internet--and I can't find the URL, but I believe it's on the POV site--that creates a realistic-looking space explosion that way.) ===== From simplepsy@aol.com: I agree with your ideas, and the concept. I was expecting to see this topic covered in this round. Still, in all fairness the image is a bit on the bad side, but I guess you knew that. Still credit due to you for entering. ===== From rgow@lanset.com: Good job with the media! Sky has some very visible banding. ===== From terraform@upnaway.com: The problem with not having many objects is that you need to get it just right. A little cut and paste looking and flat textures detract from the scene. interpretation is not too bad. ===== From marlo.steed@uleth.ca: The concept is there but the lighting and composition fall short. You have a yellow plume and then a white reflection on the water. ===== From file: okay concept but the scene could have been done a lot better. better lighting, better objects. good water