===== From skipt1@aol.com: Interesting conceptually. The lighting could use some work as well as texturing for the ants and the ground. Nice modeling work on the castle. ===== From shevlin@uic.edu: The inversion of perspective (things look big to something small) doesn't work so well with this topic. You have a great idea for making the door, but the textures in the rest of the scene need work. ===== From hildurka@simnet.is: Nice texturing, good composition. The ground could however use some more interesting texture and your description of the image sounds confusing to me. Which one is the mighty red ant? ===== From renebui@aol.com: Too many ants. ===== From phenlikescheese@hotmail.com: Very good picture. The door texture is amazing! I especially like the axe. But I am unsure on what that red line is that seems to follow the bottom of the wall? ===== From sshelby@shelbyvision.com: The doors are impressive. ===== From jacoons@ameritech.net: I think this conveys size, but would have liked more detailing on the ants. The oblique angle of the side pillar also conveys "looking up". ===== From file: Notable for modelling